Aims and Scope: The Avicenna Journal of Environmental Health Engineering (AJEHE) is the official scientific biannual publication of the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamadan, IRAN. This Journal accepts original research articles, case reports, brief reports, review articles (provided that the main author cites at least three of their earlier works), editorials, letters to the editor. Papers submitted for this journal may include, but are not limited to the following topics:
- Environmental Health;
- Environmental Biotechnology & Nanotechnology;
- Environmental Impact & Risk Assessment;
- Environmental Toxicology;
- Environmental Management;
- Industrial & Drinking Water Quality &Treatment;
- Industrial, Domestic & Agricultural Wastewater Treatment; Sludge Treatment;
- Municipal, Industrial & Agricultural Solid Waste Technology and Management;
- Hazardous Waste Technology & Management (Wastewater & Solid Waste); Radioactive Waste;
- Air Quality & Pollution Control ; Global Warming;
- Environmental Ionizing & Non- ionizing Radiation Dosimetry and Protection; Radioecology.